Friday 5 September 2014

Birds in the mist

It was beautifully atmospheric when I was last at Musselburgh earlier in the week.

 the mute swans glided over the satin smooth River Esk
 while out on the Firth of Forth, the eider ducks covered the water, which stretched into the distance where water, land and sky all blurred into one at the horizon (only the water appears in this shot)

The sow thistles are seeding

this red tailed bumble bee had seen better days, I moved it from the path, but didn't have any sugar water to feed it to revive it....

The Lagoons were full of birds, hundreds of oystercatchers and curlews with a good number of other birds including several ruffs, a curlew sandpiper and a family of snipe crouched down in the waterside undergrowth. All too far away for photos unlike this roe deer

and finally as I walked back to Musselburgh, I had the best ever view of a kingfisher, which flew across the river Esk over the weir and then upstream to perch in a bush, where it looked like a family of grey wagtails were harrassing it a bit, and so the kingfisher eventually flew off.

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other webpages where you can find out more. 


TexWisGirl said...

love the last scene!

Anonymous said...

Juliet, I am glad you are the kind of person to rescue a little bumblebee even if you didn't have any sugar water for it.

Rambling Woods said...

Nice of you to move the bee.....peaceful photos

RG said...

Fall is in the air - and in the lens!

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Juliet,

Beautiful photos - loved the graceful swans on the water and the deer.
Happy weekend