Monday 25 February 2013

A Portrait of the Poet with a Rabbit

I recently had a poem accepted by Leaf Press. They asked for a 'quirky' photo of me to accompany my poem and biography on their website so I sent them this one of me reading to Anya, our old rabbit who passed over the Rainbow Bridge a few years ago now. She alternated between being very affectionate and quite aloof so we didn't spend all our time together like this!

You can read my poem 'Return' on the Leaf Press website.


Pamela Terry and Edward said...

Well, that's just the best thing I've seen all day long!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I agree with Pamela - definitely the photo of the day :)

P.S. congrats on having your poem accepted!!

Tommaso Gervasutti said...

What a beautiful picture.
I think you enjoyed Beatrix Potter's books when you were a child!

bunnits said...

Nice photo. Made me smile. :)

dosankodebbie said...

Brilliant photo!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Great picture -- the rabbit sounds like she had a personality like a cat -- cuddly but only when THEY want to, not necessarily when you do.

I'll go read the poem ...Congratulations -- and you picked a great picture.

eileeninmd said...

How cute, a nice photo of you and your bunny!

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

A most wonderful photo of you Juliet. I love your poem as well.

RG said...

Anya was a pretty bunn! A big fluffy.

Martin said...

You're obviously reading the story well, Juliet. Anya appears to be listening with anticipation.

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Juliet,

Such a cute photo of you and Anya.
Made me smile too.

Hope you have a lovely week

Carol Steel said...

A warm and creative photo of you two. The poem is one of my favourites of yours. Thanks for sharing both.

Ms Sparrow said...

The photo says a lot about you. It shows you're a book lover and an animal lover, definitely my kind of people!

Hannah Stephenson said...

Aw, what a sweet photo!!

Annette Tait said...

congratulations on getting your poem published and such a beautiful photo of Anya and you!!