Saturday 7 July 2012

Highland insects

A common blue butterfly alongside birdsfoot trefoil its favourite food plant. We saw a few common blues when we were in the Assynt area.

 a small pearl bordered fritillary butterfly showing both underside and topside of wings. A closer view of the same species below. The moorlands of the Assynt area were full of these butterflies.

 Below is a Golden ringed dragonfly, plenty of those around in the moorlands.

We didn't manage to identify the dragonfly above - any ideas?

Apart from the common blue, Crafty Green Boyfriend took the photos in this blogpost.


eileeninmd said...

The blue butterfly is gorgeous and so is the Fritillary. Great captures of the dragonflies, they always move around too fast for me. Gorgeous series of dragonflies and butterflies. Have a lovely weekend.

Dartford Warbler said...

Beautiful photos. We have similar butterflies and the Goldenringed dragonfly here on the New Forest heathlands. I saw a common blue earlier this week.

Assynt must be a wonderful wild place to explore. My OH spent a few days up there earlier this summer ( and the sun shone!).

Hope you are OK in the Edinburgh floods!

Carol Steel said...

What great photos! Thanks for calling attention to small creatures we don't often notice because of their size or speed of movement.

Carver said...

Great seeing all the butterflies and dragonflies. I hope someone can help identifying the dragonfly, I'm not sure what kind it is.

Naquillity said...

that blue butterfly is beautiful. and i love that third picture. so much color from butterfly & flowers... thanks for sharing all these wonderful pics. have a great day~

bunnits said...

Neat photos.

ID for the dragonfly: Steve Borichevsky at Shooting My Universe ( might know. He does lots of dragonfly photography.

Ms Sparrow said...

The blue butterfly is gorgeous! I thought they were only found in the Amazon. Lucky you!

RG said...

Great photos! You have such pretty butterflies there - such variety. We only have a few here.

Don't know what the dragonfly is!

ashok said...

beautiful insects...lovely clicks J

Caroline Gill said...

I'm wondering if the Dragonfly is a kind of Chaser ... but there are several kinds! A beautiful selection of wildlife photos.

Caroline Gill said...

P.S. Some hours later ... Having just thought I was identifying a Chaser I had spotted over the w/e, I'm now fairly certain that 'my' dragonfly is a Skimmer - so now I'm feeling less sure about yours. Sorry!

Crafty Green Poet said...

Hi Caroline, thanks for thinking about it at least! I'll have more of a look around myself later i think. I like to identify things and need to know more about insects...

Sandy's witterings said...

Great butterfly sightings - I found last year quite bad for butterflys but hopefully much better this year.