Tuesday 31 July 2012


The weather was lovely this morning for my walk round the Dells, along the Water of Leith. I was delighted to find a beautiful patch of harebells, my photo doesn't do them justice at all!

I was also pleased to see two goldcrests - such tiny birds! - browsing the leaves of a pine tree, while above them in a nearby tree, a grey heron watched them.(Always something comical about herons in trees, even though I know that's where they nest!)

Also two dippers chasing each other excitedly downstream!


Carol Steel said...


We have harebells now too, growing in our garden. Not really where they're supposed to grow, probably some wildflower left-overs from the home's previous owner. They are delicate and so beautiful. I appreciate their blueness in my garden. Thanks for sharing your photo and your walk.

Caroline Gill said...

... lovely Harebells! We saw some at Sutton Hoo some days ago. They look so wonderful in a summer landscape. I would love to see a Goldcrest. We visited a bit of wood at the w/e where Firecrests are said to reside in spring and autumn ... so I shall return.

Greenpatches said...

We were out and about walking earlier as well! Thanks for your photo and for showing us another part of Scotland.

Ms Sparrow said...

I agree with you about herons in trees--they look ridiculously out of place!

The Weaver of Grass said...

Ah - the blue bells of Scotland no less Juliet - I love their delicate colour. We have a few around the farm in dry and sheltered places. I look for them every year about this time.

Dartford Warbler said...

Lovely harebells! They do grow here in the Forest lanes but not until a bit later in the summer.

Do you know Emily Bronte`s version of Ladybird, Ladybird? One of the lines is:

"The herons are flown to their trees by the Hall..."

Herons on their nests look even more like pterodactyls than they usually do. Strange birds.....

RG said...

Here we call them Companula. Used to have some nice ones, but not now.

Love those dippers!

Bill said...

my photo doesn't
do them justice

Well, look at that!

ashok said...

lovely Harebells!

eileeninmd said...

The Harebells are pretty and I love the color. I am sure it was nice to see the dippers and the goldcrest.