Sunday 6 August 2023

Tree Following August Update

 This year for Tree Following, I've chosen the beautiful cooking apple tree in Crafty Green Boyfriend's mother's garden. You can read the post where I introduced the tree here

The tree is around fifty years old and produces a lot of apples (last year was a bumper year and I gave apples to colleagues, neighbours, students in my writing classes as well as friends!). The apples are excellent in apple crumble or just stewed and eaten with custard or added to porridge. 

Here are some photos of the tree from the beginning of July

The apples are developing well! There's likely to be a good harvest this year, though possibly not as good as last year which was a bumper year!

The tree has several main branches that emerge from the trunk

The young plum tree in the garden also looks as though it will produce a lot of fruit again this year

For Tree Following.


David M. Gascoigne, said...

An old apple tree still producing fruit is a joy.

Larry Kollar said...

Good to know the apple tree is doing well! I have a young peach tree that sprouted up next to our composter box, and it gave us enough peaches for a cobbler last year. This year, though, I think it will be barren. Early warm weather, plus a late frost, affected much of the commerical peach cop this year (as well as amateura like us).At least the garden is doing well.

Sal said...

What a superb cooking apple tree! Lucky you! And it looks as if you’ll have plenty of plums this year! 😁

Crafty Green Poet said...

David - it is indeed!

Larry - hopefully your peach tree will be producing fruit again next year!

Thanks Sal, it is a wonderful tree! I think the plum tree will give us lots of fruit too, last year there were over 50 plums from that small tree. We didn't count the apples there were so many!

Hollis said...

Congratulations on what looks to be a bountiful harvest!

Flighty said...

It looks like being a good year for fruit trees generally so I hope that both these do well. xx

Crafty Green Poet said...

Thanks Hollis and Flightly!