Tuesday 8 August 2023

Comely Bank Cemetery


Early this morning I had a lovely walk round Comely Bank cemetery. I headed straight for the wildflower patch, hoping that the Wild Carrot would be in full bloom and I wasn't disappointed! At this time of year, this beautiful umbellifer is still in flower, with the distinctive red flowers at the centre of the inflorescence, which you can see below, you may want to click on the photo to enlarge it

At the same time, some of the flowers have already set seed and at this stage, the shape of the inflorescence totally changes

The wildflower patch is also home to Large Bindweed 

and thistles, which are currently seeding 

There are many beautiful trees in the cemetery 

While I was walking round, this Silver Birch Tree below was the centre of activity for a number of birds including Long Tailed Tits, Blue Tits, Chiffchaffs and a Great Spotted Woodpecker. A small group of House Martins were flying overhead.

For Nature Notes.


Cloudia said...

This is a beautiful post and a beautiful experience. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. Aloha!

Rambling Woods said...

Very lovely and serene post...Michelle