Sunday 8 November 2020

I Can Now Use a Sewing Machine!

 As many readers of this blog will realise I sew quite a lot, but so far it has all been by hand! So when, earlier this year I was given a sewing machine I quickly signed up for an introductory sewing class with Edinburgh Sewcial Club. Then COVID_19 happened, we went into lockdown and classes were all postponed. 

However, recently the club started up classes again and yesterday I was able to attend! Fewer participants in a socially distanced studio, window and door open for full ventilation, everyone wearing masks, lots of hand sanitiser and no shared materials or equipment, this was a COVID secure class (or as secure as you can get in these pandemic days). 

It was a very enjoyable class, I learned all about how to set up and use a sewing machine, though the machines in the studio are different than the one I have, but mine is too heavy to want to carry it down three flights of stairs, into a taxi and then down a flight of steps and through a building into the studio). I made this lovely cushion using floral fabric I had taken along and some striped fabric in complementary colours from the studio

which looks lovely on my comfy chair in our living room 

You can see more photos from the class on the Edinburgh Sewcial Club Facebook page here

Today I wanted to consolidate my learning by inspecting my own machine, which is a Singer 5805. 

I was able to easily find the manual online and worked out how to thread the machine. However, the machine is missing the spool cap, so I can't as yet sew anything (the spool cap ensures that the spool of thread doesn't fall off the machine.) I know the part is available from US based Etsy stores but £12.00 postage for an item that costs about £2.00 is very steep, though I'll pay that if necessary! 

Actually, I did learn to use a sewing machine in Domestic Science classes at secondary school, but that's a very long time ago and I had forgotten everything.  

Edited to add: I remembered there is a sewing machine shop (David Drummonds) at Haymarket in Edinburgh so that's where I went to buy the spool cap. It's a good place to go if you need a new machine, parts for an existing machine or if your machine needs to be serviced. It's good to support local businesses particularly in these times of uncertainty.


Gershon Ben-Avraham said...

Hi, Juliet, You may want to check Amazon UK for the missing spool cap. All the best, Gershon

Caroline Gill said...

What a wonderful cushion, and well done you, CGP, for (re)learning this skill. It takes me back to the days when we arrived back in Newcastle, and having bought some waterproof/thermal curtains in the Gateshead Co op for our kitchen, I then set about adapting them to fit the window. I had taken on a pretty old family Singer, a hand machine (not electric), and being left-handed had to sew towards me in some contorted manner. But the curtains were fine and were later turned into a garden tablecloth when we moved south and had different windows.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Hi Gershon, I try to avoid Amazon to be honest but will try them if all else fails. There's a shop quite near us that may actually stock what i need now I've thought about it

Caroline - those sound like great curtains and my mother had an old hand Singer!