Thursday, 12 November 2020

Cat Ghazal

On the library sofa sits a purring cat
Curled up and asleep lies a quietly snoring cat

The birds in the garden gather at the feeder
Watched from the window by an alert furry cat

The autumn evening streets are lit by orange lamps
that light up the rushing groups of rain blurry cats

Here come the groups of children tricking and treating
One of them is dressed up as a sweet furry cat

In the barn there is a scattering of rodents
being chased by a family of hurrying cats

The poet sits at the desk in her small study
On her lap for inspiration her purring cat


This ghazal was originally inspired  by the resident cat at the Salisbury Centre, where I facilitated a ghazal workshop in November 2009. I've reposted it today, partly to celebrate all the lovely local cats we spot on our local walks (particularly our neighbour's cat below) and partly to remind myself to write more ghazals, I've not written one for a while and it's a lovely poetic form. 


The Weaver of Grass said...

I take it from today's post Juliet, that you really love cats!

Crafty Green Poet said...

almost as much as I love bunnies, Weaver...

Reader Wil said...

I love cats too! And they love me as well! There are cats of neighbours regularly visiting me for a friendly chat.
Thanks for your visit! Have a nice week.

Maude Lynn said...


Paul said...

That is a very cool cat ghazal. Cat poems always remind me of TS Eliot and this one has that skipping rhythm and finishes in a long slow purring self-portrait. I liked it a lot.

Kitty Stampede said...

Very nice poem!! I love it..nothing beats a purring cat on your lap, nothing.

RG said...

That's a lot of cats! "As I was going to St Ives, I met a man with seven wives .........."!

Lucy said...

Oh I ove ghazals, and this one is so vivid. I must get back to writing them...

Julie said...

Awesome. I can feel the warmth of the purring cat in your lap while I read.

Rambling Woods said...

That is lovely ..and my two orange tabby cats agree...Michelle

Crafty Green Poet said...

Hi kat, I have never had a cat, though when i was a child, the nighbours' cats used to gravitate towards me and my partner's parents had a lovely cat until recently. I do love them though, I'll email you about ghazals...

Deb said...

Such sweet regard!

Lowcarb team member said...

A lovely poem.

All the best Jan