Thursday 16 August 2018

Sunshine and Rain in the Dells

The weather was very changeable today, luckily I had put a rain jacket in my rucksack!

When the sun came out it was lovely! These flowers in Spylaw Park were basking in the sunlight

and attracting lots of hoverflies like this pied hoverfly

At the other end of the Dells, this grey heron was roosting in its favourite tree

Herons somehow always look too big for the trees they sit (and nest!) in.


eileeninmd said...

Hello, pretty flowers. Great sighting of the heron! Enjoy your day and the weekend ahead.

Lowcarb team member said...

Good idea to carry a rain jacket - just in case of summer showers!
Lovely to see your photographs.

All the best Jan

Janneke said...

Love spending time in nature, rain or no rain. Actually I pray for more rain, we only got some light showers, it is so very dry....

Simon Douglas Thompson said...

It's so much nicer there than here at the moment, despite the fact that we have a bit of green grass again!

RG said...

I think they are mostly feathers and thin bones!!!

Crafty Green Poet said...

Thanks everyone!

Janneke - yes we need the rain

Rabbits Guy - they're definitely lighter than they look