Friday 24 March 2017


I joined Crafty Green Boyfriend for his lunchtime walk round Corstorphine Hill today. It was warm and springlike, which was a refreshing change from the last few days of cold wind, rain and intermittent snow and hail! I love the contrasting yellows of the gorse and daffodils

We also took time to admire the more subtle charms of the elm flowers

and were delighted to see the heather full of honey bees, though only one stepped into the frame for this photo

We also had excellent views of a nuthatch, a great spotted woodpecker and three mistle thrushes! Nuthatches only recently came as far up as Edinburgh but are now already quite a frequent sight in certain places (Corstorphine Hill being one!), I still get very excited to see them though!


sage said...

We're so far ahead of everyone--we're almost ready for summer ;)

RG said...

Warm? Spring like? What is that? The Pacific Northwest continues in its endless dreary, gloomy, chilly, damp, grey march across the calendar.

Marcie said...

Your spring is unfolding (unrolling?) beautifully! I am loving all the flowers... the yellow and the lavender... It will be a while here before we see blooms of any kind. While I wait, it is so nice to see spring in your locale.

Geraldine said...

I love the ref to Crafty Green Boyfriend.😂

Sounds like spring is in full swing where you live. It's pretty darn nice here on Vancouver Island too.🐰🌷