Thursday 9 March 2017

Signs of Spring

The pussy willow catkins are already out and looking beautiful against yesterday's perfect blue sky

Yesterday evening there was still just enough light for me to take this photo of the crocuses on Leith Links before going to teach an evening class at Leith Academy.


Jenn Jilks said...

They're so cute! You are ahead of our spring!!!

Simon Douglas Thompson said...

at the willow holt here, come may, and the catkins form a thick snow that settles on the ground like cobwebby snow! It's very eerie. Hard to run through as well!

Magyar said...

__ Here, the crocuses are smiling at us; time to step out and scan for the Pussy-Willows. Ah, the seasons move on, nifty.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, pretty captures. I love the photo of the crocuses. Enjoy your day and weekend ahead!

Marcie said...

That was a perfect blue sky!

I love how the lights of the buildings show up in the background, and the crocuses light the foreground. How lovely!

A Cuban In London said...

Yipee! :-) Yes, spring's arriving. Slowly but arriving.

Greetings from London.

RG said...

Jealous! Here in the Pacific NW it remains cold, flurries at sea level, avalanche danger in the mountain passes ...not a hint of spring! (Your pictures help!)

Lowcarb team member said...

What a beautiful sky ... we had similar yesterday and enjoyed a glorious afternoon. It really felt as if Spring was here - but will it continue! We shall see.

Lovely to see the crocus too.

All the best Jan

sage said...

Spring has unfurled here, and the azaleas are beautiful