Monday 19 September 2016

A Bank Holiday walk by the river

Today is a public holiday in Edinburgh (though not in most other places) so Crafty Green Boyfriend joined me for my weekly patrol of Colinton Dell along the Water of Leith.

The light was beautiful and the Dells looked lovely

The first autumn tints are showing in the first falling leaves

The bees are getting tired now

but the hoverflies will still be happy for another couple of month, this is a footballer hoverfly (Helophilus sp)

Hoverflies are flies that mimic other species, usually bees or wasps. There are about 250 species of hoverfly in the UK. The footballer hoverflies are some of the most common and some of the most distinctive.


eileeninmd said...

Hello, pretty scene and flowers. Lovely photos. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week ahead!

Simon Douglas Thompson said...

I've been seeing a few footballers, but they just haven't held still for the camera! Which is annoying. Other species have been more co-operative.

Magyar said...

The original and most valuable technologies; the apps. of nature.

__ Juliet, as always, so well sensed from your photos and word-sights. _m

Gingi said...

The bee on the flower!!!!!!!!!!!!!! o.O <3 -

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Juliet,

Lovely that you were able to go out walking on the bank holiday and enjoy the beauty of nature.
I enjoyed seeing your photographs.
Hope your week is going well

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Lovely walk -- your knowledge of the bees and hoverflies reminds me of the paragraph you quoted in the post above -- I was glad he also said it was OK not to know the name of everything you see. But I admire him and you for all you do know!

Lowcarb team member said...

What a lovely walk,I enjoyed all the photo's.

All the best Jan

betty-NZ said...

It's so nice to get to look around during a getaway walk. You tend to notice more things when you are relaxed. Lovely captures.

Rambling Woods said...

I am so sorry to be so late Juliet.... You have such wonderful places to walk and are such a wonderful advocate ... Michelle