Monday 25 May 2015

Sunshine and shade in Colinton Dell

Today started out quite chilly but has warmed up along the way. I spent most of the morning, as I often do on a Monday, walking round Colinton Dell alongside the Water of Leith.

it was lovely to find several cornflowers in the 'Hidden Meadow'

and the ash trees are looking lovely now too

as  indeed are the hawthorns, some of which are already fully in bloom

The wild garlic (ramsons) are still in full bloom and looking wonderful. I love the light in these photos, which makes the ramsons flowers look pale green, although in reality they're white.

For those of you in the UK, a reminder that Springwatch starts at 8pm tonight on BBC2. The live cameras are already set up .....


TexWisGirl said...

lovely blooms and greenery!

Gingi said...

Do you enhance the saturation, or is it really that green there?! Thats so stunning!! <3 -

sage said...


eileeninmd said...

What a pretty spot for a walk. I love all the greenery and the wild flowers. Have a happy new week ahead!

Simon Douglas Thompson said...

Yes I was Springwatching as well!

Anonymous said...

so very green and lovely - I always feel a sense of peace visiting your blog (except when talking about endangered species but I'm sure you know what I mean).

Crafty Green Poet said...

Thanks everyone!

Gingi, no that colour is totally natural. I was actually surprised to see that it came out so well in the photos.

dosankodebbie said...

Oh! I love love love cornflowers, but I never knew that's what they are called.

Maureen @ Josephina Ballerina said...

Those Hawthorn are something else!
:) m & jb

Mersad said...

Really amazing flowers. The colors are so bright and vivid.

Mersad Donko Photography