Monday 11 May 2015

Colinton Dell

One of the things I love about volunteering every week with Water of Leith Conservation Trust, is seeing all the seasonal changes in Colinton Dell (my patch of the river). Today I noticed that about about one third of the ramsons (wild garlic) are now in flower. It smells of garlic too. Often it carpets whole areas of the woods and other times it just appears in clumps, as below where it's growing around a dead tree that's been allowed to lie as it offers great habitat for insects and other invertebrates that birds may want to eat.

Talking of birds, today was a particularly good day for birdwatching in the Dells. Most exciting was seeing two spotted flycatchers! I had read that historically these birds had been found in the area, but as far as I was aware, no-one had seen them for years. I've never before seen them here so it was wonderful to see them perching high in the trees then flying into the air to catch insects then return to the same perch.

For Nature Notes


TexWisGirl said...

i can imagine the aroma!

Gingi said...

Great blog post my friend!! <3 -

eileeninmd said...

I have never smelled the garlic growing.. The spotted flycatchers sound like a great sighting.. Lovely image. Have a happy day and week ahead!

eileeninmd said...

I have never smelled the garlic growing.. The spotted flycatchers sound like a great sighting.. Lovely image. Have a happy day and week ahead!

Maureen @ Josephina Ballerina said...

How exciting for you to see two spotted fly-catchers, Juliet!! I, myself, saw an eastern bluebird yesterday. First one in years in my little patch of Maryland.
:) you
:) me

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I love garlic -- wouldn't mind that aroma at all, but even thinking about it makes me hungry. Congrats on the flycatcher sighting.

RG said...

Take the win! (The two birds!)

Pietro Brosio said...

Very beautiful green!

EG CameraGirl said...

Wild garlic grows in the woods near me too and I LOVE the aroma. Well, I love garlic. ;)

Lynn said...

just beautiful - so lush and green.

betty-NZ said...

Garlic has such lovely flowers. How nice that your part of the dell has such activity!

Rambling Woods said...

You have some wonderful areas of nature to visit and I too love to watch the changes. Thank you for linking in this week...Michelle