Tuesday 24 June 2014

Save Cammo Fields for Birds

Below is the information on the birdlife seen in Cammo Fields, which I have sent to local politicians, Edinburgh City Council Planning department, Cammo Residents Association (who strongly oppose any development of the fields) and the development company that has put in the proposal for 600 houses to be built on these fields. 

The proposal to develop these fields is part of the Edinburgh Local Development Plan. Edinburgh City Council have pointed out that 74% of the proposed development will be on brownfield sites. That still leaves however 26% planned for greenbelt areas, potentially destroying wildlofe habitats and green spaces enjoyed by walkers and birdwatchers. I happen to know the Cammo Fields quite well and to know that they are special as a haven for birds that are found in very few other places round Edinburgh.

City of Edinburgh Planning application 14/01777/PPP – Cammo Fields

Information on the Birdlife on Cammo Field

Breeding Birds of Conservation Concern

Five bird species found at this site are specifically listed in the seed eating bird section (pp55 – 58) of the Edinburgh Local Biodiversity Action Plan (LBAP) as needing specific protection in Edinburgh:

All of these species are red listed as being of priority conservation concern (due to their declining numbers) in the UK, except for reed bunting, which is amber listed as being of moderate conservation concern.

Wintering Birds of Conservation Concern

The field is sometimes used by grazing greylag geese with the occasional pink footed goose. Pink footed geese and wild greylag geese are amber listed as being of moderate conservation concern. (Greylag geese also occur as feral / semi-domesticated birds but these spend all their time in parks and by rivers and would be unlikely to flock on these fields).

Fieldfare also winter in these fields. These are red listed as being of priority conservation concern.

Other Birds

Many other species of birds can be seen in the field including robins, blue tits, buzzards, chaffinches and goldfinches.


Stoats have been seen in the field.


The Seed Eating Bird Section of the Edinburgh Local Biodiversity ActionPlan has as its objectives:

  1. To evaluate the size and distribution of Edinburgh's breeding and wintering populations of seed eating birds;
  2. To reduce activities detrimental to the species
  3. To extend existing and introduce new conservation neasures to benefit seed eating birds
  4. To identify and conserve, by habitat management practices, principal seed eating bird breeding sites in and around Edinburgh, and to encourage, through habitat improvements, the establishment of new breeding and wintering sites.
As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other webpages, where you can find out more.


The Weaver of Grass said...

Well done you Juliet. Developers have birds and wildlife very low on their list of priorities - far far below profits.

eileeninmd said...

I am glad the birds have you to help them!! The world needs more people to stand up for the wildlife.. Thanks!

RG said...

The people of Edinburgh owe you one!

Bill said...

Well done, Juliet.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Oh I hope they leave this area for the birds forever, it sounds like a wonderful place. Thank you for all you do! Even though I am quite certainly never going to bird there, it is a small world and we are all connected!