Sunday 16 April 2023

Gorgeous Gorse on Arthur's Seat

On Easter Monday, we walked around the bottom of Arthur's Seat and down to Duddingston Loch (see this blogpost). Yesterday, we walked uphill (though not to the top, as I find the final stretch up to the summit of Arthur's Seat impossibly vertiginous). The gorse is beautifully in bloom at the moment 

and offers a lovely frame for views of Edinburgh

Dunsapie Loch is a lovely wee loch, and Mute Swans have built a nest on its shore this year. There were also several Tufted Ducks, this male looking very smart. 

The light was playing beautifully on the surface of the water

 Birds were singing all over the place, including Dunnocks, Chaffinches and Chiffchaffs. We also had good views of a Raven (these large but elusive corvids nest on Arthur's Seat, but you need to be lucky to see them!). A flock of Jackdaws was chasing a Kestrel.

We walked home through The Meadows and sat for a while under this Wych Elm and watched the Woodpigeons eating the flowers. If you click on the photo to enlarge it, you may be able to see some of the Woodpigeons!


Jenn Jilks said...

The image of the water is striking!
I like your alliteration!

Caroline Gill said...

What beautiful spring photos, CGP ... and yes, what a steep climb to the summit. I love the Tufted duck; your photo made me realise that I haven't seen one for ages, probably pre-pandemic. They are such graceful birds. I wonder if you have been watching Attenborough's 'Wild Isles'?

Crafty Green Poet said...

Hi Jenn, thanks. I loved the way the water looked and am glad it worked well in the photo.

Thanks Caroline, there is a path on the other side of the hill, which is far less steep than any of the slopes in the photo. But the last stretch is still very steep. We're lucky to see Tufted Ducks quite a lot, they are indeed lovely birds. Yes, we've been watching and enjoying Attenborough's Wild Isles.