Tuesday 9 June 2020

Fledgling Wrens for #30DaysWild

Dalry Cemetery, one of the cemeteries we visit on our #DailyExercise is at the moment full of fledgling birds! We haven't seen the young sparrowhawks yet (though I think we'll hear them before we see them, they are very noisy around fledging time). Yesterday we were almost surrounded by fledging birds, great tits on one side and wrens on the other. Crafty Green Boyfriend was able to get these amazing photos of some of the wrens

There were several more young wrens fluttering around in the undergrowth!

Dalry Cemetery now has a Friends group, which has set up a website and a Facebook group


Karen said...

They are so cute!

sage said...

Great photos! I spent an afternoon last week with a biology professor checking out bird rookeries on our island--his area or interest are heron and we have a lot (I never knew there were so many varieties of these birds).


aspiritofsimplicity said...

Awww....so sweet. My favourite part of Spring is the birdsong.

Casey said...

Great captures!

Lowcarb team member said...

Lovely to see these amazing photographs.

All the best Jan

NatureFootstep said...

I love to se that row of wrens. We have them but they are rarely seen. And I have never seen a young one. Thanks for sharing.

RG said...

Great pix!!!

Birgitta said...

Such lovely photos!

Crafty Green Poet said...

Karen - they're incredibly cute, you're right!

Sage - that sounds interesting, Edinburgh has it's own heron rookery, which is amazing to watch, but we can't get there in lockdown

Spirit of Simplicity - i love birdsong too, so beautiful

Podo, Lowcarb, Rabbits' Guy, Birgitta - thanks

Nature Footstep - we've seen more young birds in this cemetery than almost anywhere!

Monika Ohson | TravelerInMe said...

Such cutie pies. Heart melting pics of these fledgling wrens. I would have gone crazy with joy and my camera had I been there .....

Rambling Woods said...

How sweet..I wish them long lives and happy flights....

Crafty Green Poet said...

Hi Monika - it was amazing to watch them, they really are cutie pies as you say!

Rambling Woods - I hope they have good lives too, they're certainly in a good habitat

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Oh wonderful! I love seeing these.