Saturday 21 March 2020

Corstorphine HIll

We try to have a lunchtime walk round Corstorphine HIll every Friday if we can. Yesterday was no different. It was a beautiful Spring day out there and the hill looked lovely.

We saw several birds too, some of which even stopped for long enough for us to take photos, like this beautiful male chaffinch

and this lovely treecreeper who seemed to be investigating every crack in the wall in its search for food

So, as we become more and more restricted in what we can do (all pubs and restauarants are now shut in the UK, though are open for takeaway services in some cases) getting out there and enjoying nature is still an option! If you can't get out, you may be able to watch birds from your window (this obviously depends on the view your windows look out over!).


A Cuban In London said...

Beautiful photos.

Greetings from London.

Rambling Woods said...

My neighborhood is quiet of traffic and more people are walking..Stay well...Michelle