Saturday 3 February 2018

This bunny may remind some of you of someone

On a rainy  day Gorgie City Farm is a lovely place to visit, as it's almost on our doorstep.

The farm has a new bunny, she may remind you of somebun if you used to follow House of Rabbits.....

 Bunny didn't pose for a better photo as she almost immediately ran back into the shed to escape the rain

 Almost as fluffy as the bunny are the young sheep,

They're no longer the youngest sheep on the farm, some very young lambs were being bottle fed in one of the barns while we were visiting


Jenn Jilks said...


Simon Douglas Thompson said...

THe lambs being bown this weekend are going to be bloody freezing!

RG said...

Zoey!!! AWwwwwww .......... Thanks - fond memories.

Magyar said...

Ah, the 'Cuddle Comfort'.

Lynn said...

Love this - such sweet creatures.