Thursday 11 May 2017

Lovely birds at Musselburgh

Yesterday I went for a walk at Musselburgh and was delighted to see this drake mandarin almost as soon as I got off the bus

I have no idea if this is the same bird that has been seen at Lochend Park, Blackford Pond and Figgate Pond but it wouldn't surprise me. He always looks happy enough but he hasn't got a mate and always seems to attach himself to a female mallard

though she sometimes gets tired of him and chases him away

Along at the Lagoons, I was delighted to see the grey partridge pair, who can be very elusive (and are very tricky to photograph)

I also got lovely views of a yellow wagtail (a rare bird in these parts), though I didn't try to get a photo, it's a small bird and was too far away for my camera's zoom to even hope to do it justice, but it was lovely to watch it run around for a while.


Simon Douglas Thompson said...

She's a lot bigger than he is, he doesn't stand a chance!

A Cuban In London said...

I've never seen a partridge before. You're right. They are very elusive. Great photos.

Greetings from London.

Lowcarb team member said...

I agree - these are lovely birds!

All the best Jan