Monday 8 December 2014

From flower to cone - the larch tree through the year

The best thing about studying a larch tree for Tree Following this year has been discovering the beautiful little flowers (which I had never noticed before!) and observing them as they gradually change into cones. I've used photos of different flowers / cones in some instances, but they still give a nice idea of the development.

26 March 

31 March 

14 April

30 April 

12 May 

27 May 
9 June

1 July

31 July

11 August

1 October

11 November

24 November

8 December

This has been a fascinating study and I'll certainly pay more attention to larch trees in the future!  It's also been fascinating to follow the other trees that participants have chosen. Thanks to Lucy at Loose and Leafy for organising Tree Following.

For Tree Following and Nature Notes.


TexWisGirl said...

it's a beauty in every stage.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

How fun this is to see the whole year at once ... and it is a really beautiful tree. I can't follow one tree all year because of travel) but I enjoy following you following your tree! Thanks for sharing.

Little Miss Titch said...

Nature at its best!xx

Anonymous said...

I've never noticed Larch flowers either Juliet. It's amazing what you see when you look closely isn't it?

eileeninmd said...

It is a pretty tree and I like the flowers and the cones.. Enjoy your new week!

RG said...

Been fun to follow!

dosankodebbie said...

Fascinating! Observation is an important element in etegami, but this goes to show that observation is best when it's not just a one-time thing, but rather done patiently over a long period.

??? said...

What a great project! The flowers are lovely.

Captain Shagrat said...

Wow, I've never seen that before. Time to stop and stare next year at the beauty of the larch tree. One of my favourites is the lime tree with heart shaped leaves and yellow blossom.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Captain Shagrat - i love lme trees, specially when they're in flower (all too briefly) - the scent is amazing....

Donna said...

I loved learning more about your larch much beauty in this tree!

Rambling Woods said...

There is so much to learn and to enjoy about nature... Great series... Michelle

betty-NZ said...

How cool! Thanks for the great series of your tree.

Hollis said...

Really neat to see the progression ...