Monday 27 January 2014

Better Bokashi...better earth by Todd Veri

'B o k a s h i (pronounced bo-KAW-she) is a Japanese term meaning ‘fermented organic matter’. It usually refers to a method of indoor composting that uses beneficial micro-organisms (MyCrobz) to quickly ferment any type of food waste. This includes fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, small bones, bread, dairy, soiled paper, cooked foods, and more.'

With a bit of practice, indoor Bokashi composting is a simple way to make quality compost for your garden without producing gas, heat, or rtten smells. It doesn't attract vermin either. It's the best way of recycling your food wastes for the benefit of your garden.

This book gives a detailed history of bokashi, outlining its benefits over both conventional garden composting and municipal food waste collections (though these are probably the best option if you don't have a garden where you can use the compost you would produce).

Next comes the detailed outline of how to bokashi and how to store and use the resulting compost, complete with plenty of quirky diagrams! Veri deals with all the problems you might come across while starting out with bokashi and following his instructions, with a bit of practice you should be an expert in a relatively short period of time.

Even if you have nowhere to use the compost, this is a fascinating book.

Thanks Story Cartel for my free download of this book.


The Weaver of Grass said...

This doesn't sound the book for me Juliet, sorry.

RG said...

Master Composter class just starting up here for the spring!

Great ideas.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Our daughter and sil compost everything for their garden unless they use it for chicken feed. But it does stink sometimes...I will let her know to research the method.