Wednesday 3 August 2011

Hornbeam Chandeliers and Bunnies

The hornbeams along the Water of Leith are the trees I'm 'studying' for Tree Year. The above photo shows the fruits, which look delightfully like chandeliers! Hornbeams are not native to Scotland and were planted along the Water of Leith as they have very hard wood, which was useful in construction for the mills that used to line the river.

Those of you who like bunnies (and I know there are a lot of you reading this blog!) may like this entertaining guide to drawing bunnies! There's also an email address for you to send your own bunny drawings to!

As ever, text in red contains hyperlinks which take you to other webpages, where you can find out more!


bunnits said...

The hornbeams are lovely and do resemble chandeliers. The guide to drawing bunnies is really helpful. Lol. Cute!

Martin said...

Lovely photograph. I'm hearing the tune, 'Green Leaves of Summer'.

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Juliet,

I do love visiting you and learning more about your part of the world.
I have never heard of the Hornbeam and yes, really does look like a chandelier.
I love the guide to drawing cute bunnies and thanks for sharing.

Happy day

RG said...

Don't think I've ever seen a Hormbeam so I am enjoying the periodic lessons!

We have a big Linden (I think you call it Lime) outside our window. It is currently flowering and FULL of busy bees. You can hear the steady buzzing from quite a ways away!!!

Glo said...

Your Hornbeam looks splendid with its cascading chandelier! Love the bunnies too :)

Crafty Green Poet said...

Bunnits, Draffin Bears, Glo - thanks, yes the fruits are amazingly like chandeliers and the guide is cute isn't it?

Martin = thanks

Rabbits Guy - our lime / linden trees are just losing their flowers, one of my favourite trees, they smell so wonderful (and yes the bees love them!)

Karen M said...

They forgot to show us how to draw a disapproving bunny. But at least they got the prevalance of dropping right.

PJ said...

It frustrates me that I can't draw, paint, sculpt, etc, etc. But I think I miiiiight be able to render some cute bunnehs. Love the tutorial and the hornbeam is beautiful.

Rambling Woods said...

I had to go and look at the drawing friend who passed away in June loved bunnies..I may have to learn how to draw them......

EG CameraGirl said...

Hornbeams do have lovely leaves. Now I'm off to check out how to draw bunnies. :)