Friday 4 December 2009

Water of Leith

Lovely weather for this week's walk along the Water of Leith on Monday. Lots of birds too, including large numbers of redwings hiding in the shrubbery and a large flock of long tailed tits flitting amongst the bare branches of the trees, looking like animated musical notes. Dippers and a heron on the river. Also a kestrel being mobbed by a crow. Several grey squirrels leaping amongst the trees. It was a lovely day for photos too, clear and sunny......

for Weekend Reflections and Shadow Shot Sunday.
There are also some nice reflections in the photo in this post.


Deb G said...

Beautiful! It's wonderful to see the seasons change in your part of the world.

Deb Cushman said...

Beautiful! We've had some beautifully sunny days here also, but they have been a bit windy. Have really enjoyed seeing the sun. We know it will disappear for awhile...never to be seen for several months!

d. moll, said...


We love Luna said...

Very romantic post!I loved the path and the reflection, you can think about poetry in this adorable place!
purrs, love and Happy weekend reflections

Bill ~ {The Old Fart} said...

Beautiful pictures, loved the reflection in the water

Woody said...

Very nice reflection is a pool of leaves :-)

The Weaver of Grass said...

I love long-tailed tits - they sound so perky as they work their way along the hedgerow. Lately we are beginning to see them on our birdtable, which is a new and quite exciting development.

Caroline Gill said...

I love that pool! Great photo, Juliet.

maryt/theteach said...

Juliet, the reflection is colorful! Love it! :)

Anonymous said...

I like the reflection but that top photo is truly outstanding.

Rune Eide said...

Sometimes it pays off to look down, up or around.

Suburban Girl said...

2nd photo looks like the shape of an upside down heart.

Anonymous said...

I love how everyone has a different view of the world. My very first thought was, "very cool ~ an upside down heart". I assumed everyone else would have seen and commented on it. Hmmmmmm.....guess I'm just looking for love in all the watery places.

Nice work :-)

Weekend Reflection ~ Evening Canals

Jasmine said...

Herons and Puffins feel like y family birds, just like elephant seems o be the family animal... We all love them so much.

Beautiful pictures.

Anonymous said...

Amazing where reflections can be found!

Thérèse said...

A visited reflection! How nice!

Julie said...

That is a lovely reflection in your Water of Leith. I love all the overhanging greenery and the scattering of autumn leaves. I think I would have loved the musty smell of the earth while taking the photograph.

Titus said...

Beautiful! Love the shadows on the bridge and the pond/puddle reflection - the colours!

Nefertiti said...

great photo

good w end

Diane AZ said...

That pathway looks so inviting and I love the colors reflected in the water!

FO - 2 said...

Lovely atmosphere.
Beautiful place and reflection. :)

Reader Wil said...

Beautiful shots and especially the second one! Thanks for your visit and birthday wish.

☆sapphire said...


Lovely! I always enjoy seeing the seasons change in your blog!!
I like the pretty pond in the second photo very much!
Here tree leaves have turned blazing red now!!

storyteller said...

What a lovely spot ... most inviting! Beautiful reflection ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

Carletta said...

It looks like you could jump into that puddle into another world!
A great shadow shot as well! Looks like a great path for a walk.

Sistertex said...

Oh I miss the beauty....snow has arrived and we are now looking at a totally different color palet.

Martha said...

A beautiful series of photos!

Ebie said...

What a lovely creation! The reflection on the water is very colorful, looks like a glass prism!

Have a great weekend!

Alexa said...

Aaaah, lovely! Wish I could take a nice long walk here.

Quasi Serendipita said...

Wow, do I spy blue sky? That second shot is gorgeous, very impressive to make a puddle pretty! London is so, so wet that I haven't ventured outside this week and have chosen old pictures. Even our car is flooded!

Gerald (SK14) said...

Both the shadows and the reflections are magic.

Sylvia K said...

What marvelous shots for the day! I love the reflections! And the shadows on the bridge are terrific! Isn't it wonderful to have enough sun to find shadows everywhere? We're having a day like that today!

Enjoy your weekend!


Deb said...

Beautiful walk, wonderful shots. I especially like the fence rail.

Christina said...

Fantastic shots. Your landscapes there are just beautiful.

bobbie said...

How lovely. wish I could join you on this walk.

A Wild Thing said...

What a wonderful walk in the woods today...thank you so much!!!

Beverley Baird said...

What a tranquil place. Beautiful shadows and reflections!

Anonymous said...

What great photos these are my friend. :) Well done and such a good reflection :) Love it. Have a wonderful weekend :)

Jacqui said...

What a beautiful winter walk - such an air of serentity about these shots

Ralph said...

The shadow along the path is wonderful - the railing shadow emphasizes following the path. As if it is telling us that if we do not stray from the trail, we will be rewarded with so many views of beautiful avian species. What a lovely place to forget about the mundane and trials of our lives.A place of beauty...

Anonymous said...

what a nice place to walk. very nice photos.


Patti said...

What a picturesque place you've shown us.

I enlarged both of the photos. They're quite pretty. I like the shadow of the railing and the pretty colors in both.

Thanks for stopping by my blog ~

Hey Harriet said...

Beautiful photos and that sounds like a magical walk!

whizkid said...

we really live in a beautiful planet :). wonderful shots.

Sarah said...

Sounds like a lovely walk. I like the reflections-so many colours!

AscenderRisesAbove said...

look at that pretty pond - like a watercolor painting; a monet.

jabblog said...

Beautiful scenery and wonderful shadows. Your first photo simply invites the onlooker to walk there.

penny said...

Wonderful shots of the woods and all its beauty. I hope it stays that way forever.

Kat said...

I like the reflection photo alot, very nice. But the first photo is really outstanding, beautiful composition. It makes you want to walk down the path. Kathy

Anonymous said...

lovely photos - and I love the one in your banner!

Ricepatty said...

Oh the beauty that surounds you! Thanks for sharing such great shots and for all of the wonderful "gree" advice. Come to the drum circle one day :)

quilly said...

BEautiful scenery -- and I love the way the puddle brought the sky to earth.

Rosebud Collection said...

A little bit of the birds and beautiful weather.
Happy SSS.

NatureFootstep said...

beautiful images and I love that little pool.
Thanks for the kind words on my blog. I don´t see the dipper that often so I am so happy when I do :)

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

Love the path photo! Makes me remiss that I have not been out for walks lately.

wanderlust said...

What a beautiful place to go for a walk.

Cynthia said...

Hey Juliet,

The Water of Leith, looks amazing.
After reading about this treasure
further, I imagine walking
through paradise.

Please visit poemflesh when you
have a chance. You may find my
dialogue with the poet Michele
Battiste interesting.
