Sunday 29 September 2024

Along the River Tyne at Haddington

Yesterday we had a lovely walk along the River Tyne at Haddington, a town in East Lothian, a short bus journey away from Edinburgh (This is a different River Tyne to the one that flows through Newcastle upon Tyne.)

We spent quite a lot of time looking at the pictorial wildflower meadow that stretches from the bridge in the photo above quite a distance along the river. There were a reasonable number of Eristalis hoverflies enjoying the flowers 

and a few Banded hoverflies (Syrphus sp) which have been very elusive so far this year

The meadow includes a nice variety of flowers including red poppies

and Wild Carrot, my favourite of the umbellifers, especially at this time of year, when it's in seed

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