Monday 3 February 2014

Birds think it's Spring!

 turkey tail fungus

The birds were all chasing each other today in Colinton Dell by the Water of Leith. I saw a very exciteable group of blue tits flying round a tree stump, a dipper pair checking out holes in the river bank and a wren prospecting an old moss covered fallen tree.

The jackdaws were flocking and wheeling round the woods. 

Meanwhile the tawny owl sat quiet and still in its usual roost hole, its head turned to the side.

The woods were alive with birdsong too and the weather was mild and dry. I know it's still a long time to go really, but it did feel like the beginning of spring.....


Casey said...

Hi! New to your blog, and have been loving the fungus photos. As soon as the snow clears and the sun warms us up around here, I hope to bring some mushroom pics to my page. I also shuffled through your poetry links and found some other blogs that look interesting. Thank you and take care -

TexWisGirl said...

sounds like a good day!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

One of my favorite things about spring approaching is that the birds sing just a little louder :)

Little Miss Titch said...

I wish spring was a bit closer,xx

eileeninmd said...

Sounds like a fun time! I wish it was more like spring here, we had more snow today. Cool sighting of the owl. Have a happy week!

Dartford Warbler said...

When I did the Big Garden Birdwatch it was interesting to see so many birds already in pairs.

The wood pigeons and collared doves here think it`s spring all the year round!

Maureen @ Josephina Ballerina said...

Oh, man! There was a bird in the tree the other day fairly yelling A-TWEETA-TWEETA-TWEETA!!!
Good thing he didn't know the groundhog would see his shadow the next day. Six more weeks of winter. Ah, well...

Larry said...

Ahh sounds nice. I can't wait for Spring but will get out and about tomorrow morning.I like the fungus photos too.

Anonymous said...

turkey tail fungus - very apt name ;)

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Sounds like a most wonderful day indeed!

Unknown said...

Oh no. Someone should inform the birds that is is freezing out.

RG said...

18 degrees F here tonight. Spring my foot ....

Glad it is there!!! Enjoy.

Martin said...

I love that picture, Juliet!

Karen said...

Cool fungus!

Anonymous said...

Oh I've seen that fungus before but didn't know what it was called; hope I find it again. Lovely post.

Laura said...

How beautiful! No spring for us… another beautiful snow fall though today.

Rambling Woods said...

I have heard some springtime like bird calls too, but we have a ways to go in our snowy winter... Michelle