It's very easy to think that the world's environmental issues are overwhelming and that as individuals we can't do anything. The truth is in fact we can sometimes do quite a lot! That's why it's exciting to find a project like E.ON Innovation. This is a crowd sourcing project, launched recently by energy company E.ON to find the next generation of energy products and services that will help us use less energy. Linked with the Channel 4 TV programme Home of the Future, the project will stimulate creative ideas to imagine the innovative energy saving technologies that might shape how we live in the future.

Over the next few weeks, people are invited to take part in five exciting challenges on the themes of: work, rest, play, food and wellbeing. In return for sharing your ideas, you become eligible for prizes! The best ideas will be rewarded with Home Energy Makeovers worth up to £10 000 and E.ON will develop the best ideas with the aim of making them a reality in 2012!

The current challenge is on the theme of Rest. Participants are asked to share ideas about how our homes in the future could learn about our energy use to become more restful. You can find out more about this theme on the Home of the Future's excellent and informative website here.

If you're on Twitter you can follow the conversation at hashtags #eoninnov and #HomeOfTheFuture and by following E.ON at @talkingenergy.
Projects like E.ON Innovation are inspiring as they harness energy and ideas that otherwise might never be tapped. I'm sure the conversations that go on will inspire lots of new thinking and ideas! It's also great to recognise the potential of technology to reduce our carbon footprint.
So why not put your thinking caps on and join in to share ideas for how technology can help us save energy! Your ideas could change the way we live! I certainly hope to come up with some ideas to share!
This is a Sponsored Post
Everyone can do something.
Neat. If you haven't seen it already, you might like terracycle.com. I found out about them when I bought one of their clocks made from an old vinyl album. They also have clipboards from motherboards, and challenges/group organization for reducing the waste stream. Can't speak to the UK link, but here it is: http://www.terracycle.co.uk/
Can we have more disclosure about what a "Sponsored Post" is? I find it pretty distressing to find an advert for E-On, an energy company I've spent quite some time protesting for their role in new coal-fired power stations, on a prominent green blog presented without critical context.
Harry, I have to admit I was in two minds about this. I think the project I'vwe blogged about is a good project and could bring up some good ideas that could have a genuine postitive impact on carbon reduction. I'm not so happy about E.ON, but I thought on balance the project made it worth doing the post. Maybe i was wrong?
The post is sponsored through E-buzzing, which you can find out about if you click on the link at the bottom of the post. They link bloggers with issues that they are interested in.
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