Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Attention all Dog Owners!

Dog fouling is a big problem along the Water of Leith as it in many places. It's disgusting that people will use pastic bags to pick up the dog mess but then will throw the bag into the trees. Unfortunately nothing seems to stop them. This anti-fouling sign is more picturesque than most and can be found near the site of Lindsay's Mill alongside the Water of Leith as it passes through Dean Village.


Christina said...

Someone should hide in the trees and throw the poo back. Getting hit in the face with your own dogs poop might make you think twice!

bunnits said...

Christina, that could be a possible solution!

Throwing the bags into the trees--I haven't noticed anyone here doing that, but I have noticed that along our greenways, some folks seem to not even bring a bag to pick up poop. Really annoys me. Which reminds me of another pet peeve of mine which is those folks who leave disposable diapers in parking lots, etc. How lazy can you get??

Annette Tait said...

yes, a strange habit indeed, seen around many parts of Edinburgh
I wonder if it happens elsewhere in the UK, or the rest of the world?? or is just Brits who are filthy litter bugs?
perhaps all it takes is a weak bag to break, overhead, on the slingshot swinging owner - that would make an interesting picture and maybe make them think twice?

The Weaver of Grass said...

Round here they hang the bags on the fences. If i am being charitable I think they intend to pick them up on the way back from their walk and then forget - but probably that is not the case.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Good idea Christina!

Bunnits, some people here also let their doogs just make a mess in the path.

Annette - well Weaver's comment proves it happens at least elsewhere in UK.

Weaver - I've heard that some people intend to pick it up later and then forget, but all the abandoned bags i find would indicate that litter-lout dog owners are a particularly forgetful species...

EG CameraGirl said...

Hmmm. Sounds very disgusting.

d. moll, said...

dog poop is SUCH a problem, we have a bag low here too, in general it seems like most people are responsible, but it only takes one or two and the rest think they can join the party, what's just one more poop bag after all. Another reason why I prefer rabbits, they have user friendly poops.

Kallare said...

I agree the sign looks more for decoration than a warning.

Anonymous said...

someone should enforce the law.

RedPat said...

If you have already picked it up why can't you carry it to a garbage receptacle?

Lesley said...

That is a lovely looking sign... with no mention of the fine for not doing so!

genie said...

I am utterly shocked and amazed that people would throw the plastic bag in the trees. That is absolutely unforgivable. They need to spend a night in a privy or jail. I have NO patience with them. The sign is a lovely one. I like Christina’s idea of hiding in the woods and throwing the bags back at the offenders. Genie

Pat said...

I can't say I've seen a sign like THIS before! PC for poop I guess! I've seen parks that provide poop bags for pets, and lots of waste containers spread throughout for said poop-filled bags!

VioletSky-Sightlines said...

the ever polite British sign!!
but it is not just Brits who are "filthy litter bugs" as Annette wonders. I have even seen people who toss their poopy bags on the ground outside of a garbage can.

Gabrielle Bryden said...

I have rarely seen this happen where I live - but it is a small place - I would like to believe most people put the bag in the tree because they don't want to carry the stinky bag but forget to get it on the return trip, but some would just be too lazy. Maybe the signs need to be clearer, like 'your dog poops, you pick it up and dispose of it, you are being watched by CTV' ;)

RG said...

Around here, many of the stands that have the bags - usually at the start and along trails and walking areas - also have a receptacle for the full bag. There is a regular pickup.

As some of your readers know, we here in the Puget Sound area are embarked on a massive campaign to improve the health of the Sound by 2020. Some of that effort is education .. here is a link to the latest Dog-Poop-Pickup outreach.

There is a lot of this kind of awareness advertising - I guess it takes over and over again hammering the message.

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Juliet,

Seems to be a problem everywhere and I wish people would pick up and dispose of, in a proper way.
Near our letterbox I often have to pick up after irresponsible dog owners grrr!

Happy Thursday

Andy said...

Perhaps throwing bags filled with dog crap into trees could be a new sport:-) I can't imagine Scots behaving so badly.

Luna Miranda said...

we need this sign in our street! the other day, i was even contemplating of "returning" the poo at the dog owner's gate. i like Christina's suggestion.:p

Francisca said...

Another situation where the rule "Just Be Nice" would work if everyone would do it. I do prefer a polite sign like this over an ugly authoritarian one, though. I doubt either will make the recalcitrant pet owner pick up their dog's poop.

Heather said...

It's a national problem by the sound of it. It might be better if they just threw the dog mess into the trees - it might fertilize the ground eventually. I fear some of us are very irresponsible.