Saturday 19 March 2011

Frogspawn and Birds

We had quite a long walk this morning. we started at Blackford Pond hoping to see frogs and toads. We didn't see any but there was some frogspawn around (see my photo below).

Plenty of birds around too, including this coot, looking slightly bored perhaps on its newly built nest

and this dabchick (little grebe)

and plenty of tufted ducks.

(bird photos taken by Crafty Green Boyfriend)


Hannah Stephenson said...

Looks like a beautiful day there!

The Weaver of Grass said...

This is the first frog spawn I have seen this year - I have been looking for it for days.

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

I'm brushing Edward and Apple and putting their fur out in the garden. It tickles me to think of all the warm bird nests that will result!!

Kay said...

I love that you found frog spawn. I haven't seen any since I lived in Ohio. So glad you are having beautiful days. Don't we all deserve them after such a glorious winter?

Sandy's witterings said...

When I was in the primary school, we had a tank with frog spawn which we watched grow all the way up to frogs before we freed them. Not quite sure if that'll be viewed as the correct kind of thing to be doing these days (might not be very green - there again we could have saved them being bird food)

Lucy said...

I love tufted ducks, they are such dapper birds!

Crafty Green Poet said...

Hannah - yes it was for most of the day

Weaver - first I'd seen too!

Pamela - I'm sure the birds will love to incorporate Edward and Apple's fur into their nests. How cosy!

Kay - yes we certainly do deserve nice Spring days after the cold winter!

Sandy - it depends how you do it I think...

Lucy - they are smart looking birds aren't they?

martine said...

I'm sorry, I still can't see frogspawn without thinking 'school dinners':-) never mind. Here's to lots and lots of frogs.
thanks for sharing

Titus said...

The bird shots are good, but the frogspawn is fantastic! Much earlier than here too.

madhat said...

Yay for frogspawn!

Matt Conlon said...

These photos make me wish there were somewhere around here that I could go for walks and take some nice pictures. True, I've had a few wild-life pictures ops from right in my back yard (Link if you're interested), but to go out and walk around for it would be a bit of a novelty around here. I'm sure there are places I could go, but I'd likely have to buy a pass and pay for parking!

Always nice to visit your blog. :)

Anonymous said...

Nice photos! Sounds like a lovely walk.

Magyar said...

... and during each night at this time of the year, I step outside and listen for the tree-frog's songs. None yet, but soon I'll hear them -the changing season's smiles-.

Warming photos; best wishes! _m

Anonymous said...

God I love frogspawn - I remember as a kid holding the stuff - someone told me that it was like tapioca?!!! ;)

ShySongbird said...

You have done much better than me Juliet, I have been looking for Frogs and Frog spawn for over a week now with no success so far.

You did well to capture the Dabchick too, (or I should say boyfriend did!) they usually dive just as I am about to take their photo :)

I was just reading your earlier post about litter. That is one subject guaranteed to make my blood boil! I have never, ever understood why anyone would want to deface our beautiful landscape. I really don't know why that isn't one of the first things a parent teaches their child. I do admire you for actually doing something about it rather than just complaining, like me ;)

Anonymous said...

Such fun to see a coot here. They overwinter in my area, and then head north for the summer and nesting - but there always are a few around. I'm not sure if they're stragglers, or if they've simply decided they prefer this location.

The dabchick is cute - I think the smallest of our water birds is the Lesser Grebe. All wonderful, for sure.

Tammie Lee said...

I love your top photo, something so magnetic about looking at eggs like this.

PurestGreen said...

I agree with Tammie - just love all those wee bundles of possibility.

JoMo said...

That grebe is so sweet! Sounds like a great walk :)

Christina said...

Birds are so gorgeous and the frogspawn is pretty cool. I havent see that before.

Glo said...

Enjoyed sharing your walk and photos, and tonight noticed the frogs were singing :)

Caroline Gill said...

Like Weaver, I have been looking for spawn ...

No luck yet, though we enjoyed seeing the toads as they made their way to their favourite pools to deposit their spawn.

Sam Pennington said...

Gorgeous pictures, and the first frogspawn I've seen!

Hospitable Scots Bachelor said...

Congrats to boyfriend on beautiful photos.

Kerri Farley said...

So that means LOTS of froggies on the way, right? :)
Love the ducks!

Marvin said...

Where there is frogspawn, frogs cannot be far behind -- plus a lot of food for birds and fish. Looks like y'all had a great time outdoors.

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

I haven't seen frog spawn since I was a little kid. Brought back so many memories. What a beautiful walk. :)

Caron said...

I love the tufted ducks! Their eyes are a little creepy, but I like the look all together.

Leora said...

Thank for teaching me about frog spawn! I remember playing with little frogs up in the Laurentian mountains when my nieces were little.

Linda Reeder said...

I've seen lots of coots, but never a nest! cool. Love the ducks.

Kathie Brown said...

All wonderful signs of spring!

MyMaracas said...

What a wonderful spring walk. Thanks for taking us along!

I don't think I've ever seen frog spawn, but we must have some around here somewhere, given all the wetland areas. I'll keep an eye out for it.

KaHolly said...

What a wonderful day you had!! So many things to get excited about.

Rambling Woods said...

It looks like spring that you are out looking for frogs. I can't wait till it is season here, but we still have snow....Michelle

Caron said...

I've come back to say I would not have known that was frog spawn. Ever. You guys are all so much more experienced than I am.