Monday 21 January 2008

haiku - vision

my first
binoculars -
new stars

in the bizarre -
new science

there's a different view of visions on Over Forty Shades (my renamed Alter Ego blog) here.

vision for One Breath Poetry


Plain Foolish said...

Neat. I can remember my first time looking at the pleides through binoculars - hey, how did all of those get there?

Ričardas said...

my first
bicycle -
new stars...and bruises :)

Roswila said...

Yes, I enjoyed both, but especially the first. :-)

squirrelmama said...

Also let's not forget my first binoculars - new birds! - stars with wings!!

polona said...

oh, i like these, especially the first one is excellent.

spacedlaw said...

Stars even beyond our sky!
This one speaks volume to me.

Tumblewords: said...

Amazing, isn't it! Nice visuals.

Crafty Green Poet said...

plain foolish - exactly...

ricardas - lol!

roswila, polona, spacedlaw, tumblewords - thanks

squirrelmama - oh the birds too, absolutely

Rae Trigg said...

I like both of these, especially the one about bizarre science.

paisley said...

i just love the tiny haiku's... i have to remember that... but i am so dang wordy!!!!!!

SandyCarlson said...

Hmmm...When we open our eyes and see in new ways, we believe at first that all we see is new. Perhaps it is!

Anonymous said...

The awe of seeing through new eyes!

Thanks for your comments at my blog. I am happy to find you, the themes you write about are close to my heart. I will be doing some exploring here! :)

Anonymous said...

I feel nostalgic now for the binoculars I had as a child. They lived in a chestnut leather case with tartan lining. I'm sure I saw a falling star through them. Your poem reminded me how wonderful it was to use them.

qualcosa di bello said...

delightful words of nostaglia & wonderment!

little wing writer said...

great direction on the prompt...

UL said...

oh simply superb!

Everydaythings said...

I love the binoculars one. I tried to think of something for this promp...nothing came to me so am leaving it this time. How do you get inspired by the topics J? How do you do it is there a method any tips?