Unthinkable Skies

My chapbook Unthinkable Skies was published in 2010 by Calder Wood Press.

I have one copy left! It's slightly worn, and is available for £4.50, let me know if you'd like to purchase it.

You can borrow Unthinkable Skies from the Scottish Poetry Library

There is also a CD available featuring a selection of poems from Unthinkable Skies, along with music from Belvedere Mountain Express. You can find out more and buy a copy here.

Thanks to everyone who has bought the book or the CD, tweeted about it, talked about it on Facebook and sent me messages about how much they enjoyed reading it!

Links about Unthinkable Skies

The Unthinkable Skies page on Goodreads
a review by Sam Pennington
a review from Kevin Cadwallender
a review from Andrew McCallum Crawford
an interview by Caroline Gill
a mention and a poem on Rachel Fox's blog
a mention on Colin Will's blog
a poem and a mention in the Herald newspaper
my review of the launch on Goodreads
a photo of Titus the Dog with a copy of Unthinkable Skies
a review on Coyote Mercury