I was delighted to win the last crusade at the GPP Street Team site (my name was pulled out of a democratic hat!). Yesterday I got the prizes in the post and look what i got! There are two folders (one large, one small) for filing collage materials (Michelle had obviously read my mind on that one, as I was looking to buy something like this!); a lovely scrapbook that I think I will fill with illustrated haiku; a notebook, a to-do-list book; various sticky labels (some in the shape of the letter J!!); a large rubber stamp (with a print out of it, showing that it is the special Juliet design!), a CD that looks as though it will be excellent (and I'll review it on my Alter Ego blog, once I've listened to it a couple of times!) and a lovely pink felt heart! So thank you Michelle, for all these lovely prixes and thank you also for the inspiring challenges!