Monday 11 April 2022

Revisiting Morningside and Rosebank Cemeteries

 I'm continuing my wildlife surveys of Edinburgh's council managed cemeteries by doing further surveys of the cemeteries that are richest in wildlife. I'm also popping into cemeteries whenever I get a chance to see if I can see any interesting wildlife in passing. 

On Saturday, Crafty Green Boyfriend and I were in Leith and popped into Rosebank cemetery. We were impressed by how much field woodrush is growing in the cemetery

and by how many ladybirds are still hibernating on the gravestones, though many of them are the invasive Harlequin ladybird (which I noticed last time I visited this cemetery, as you can read in this post). Harlequins come in a variety of colour forms, two of which are shown below 

Though we did see some other species of ladybirds, including this orange ladybird

We were also happy to spot this tiny larva of a red legged shield bug 

We heard a great spotted woodpecker drumming on a tree trunk and then saw it fly across the back of the cemetery into a tall tree. 

Today I revisited Morningside Cemetery to do a Spring survey. Morningside Cemetery is one of the many cemeteries in the city that have views across to Arthur's Seat, Edinburgh's most iconic hill

 Quite a few spring flowers are in bloom including this Snakes Head Fritillary

and these daffodils

I found this beautiful little haircap moss (Juniper haircap I think) - isn't it pretty? 

I saw a few bumble bees, including this red tailed bumblebee

Several birds were singing including coal tits, a mistle thrush and a goldcrest. Starlings were gathering nesting material and two male blackbirds were hopping round the grass. 

You can read about my first visit to Morningside Cemetery in this post.


Jenn Jilks said...

You are so far ahead of us! Soon, though...

Lowcarb team member said...

Lovely photographs, especially the daffodils.

All the best Jan