Saturday 2 April 2022

Corvids on a Gorse Covered Arthur's Seat

 At the moment, Arthur's Seat and Salisbury Crags are glowing with the yellow flowers of gorse

The view down to Duddingston Loch is framed with this beautiful, coconut scented bush 

Grey Herons have started to build their nests in some of the trees on the islands in the loch (though you may not be able to see that in the photo). Meanwhile, the jackdaws are building nests in the rocky cliff under where the gorse is growing in the photo above. Jackdaws are small, neat members of the corvid family, who nest in noisy colonies in rock faces or in the tops of trees. 

They are plentiful around Arthur's Seat. Also nesting on Arthur's Seat are ravens. 


These are the largest member of the corvid family and are far less sociable, nesting alone in rocky places. It always seems astonishing that they nest so close to the centre of Edinburgh. This one sat for a while to allow Crafty Green Boyfriend to take photos, then flew off, calling loudly, circled around and then disappeared.

1 comment:

Rambling Woods said...

They are such smart birds and really big too....