Monday 29 July 2013

Brooch from upcycled button

 I just quickly made this brooch the other day. I used a lovely vintage button, which has lost any sort of fastening from its back and a brooch fastener, that I have no idea where it came from. I just sewed the fastener onto the back of the button (see photo above, though it's a bit dark) and here's a nice, stylish brooch!
Meanwhile on Etsy I put together a 'Refreshment for a Summer's Day' treasury made up entirely of items from members of the UK Crafts Fair team, in reponse to a challenge in the team forum. it's the first time I've made a treasury to fit in with someone else's theme and I definitely prefer using my own theme! But anyway it was fun to put together.

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other webpages where you can find out more.


Bill said...

The top/front view photo is striking in itself.

Deb Upcycles said...

Very cute and easy, thanks!

dosankodebbie said...

I have several lovely buttons (many of them hand-crafted from wood or clay) gifted to me from artist friends. I've kept them for decades, thinking that SOME day I'd learn to sew and I'd make clothes that were worthy of them. But I realized long ago that I was kidding myself. Your broach gives me hope that I can still use these buttons. Because even if I can't sew, I can do crafts. Thank you!