The cherry tree across the road, that I'm observing for
Tree Year is now in full bloom. These pink cherry trees seem to be slower to come to full bloom than the white ones.
For those of you who
follow me on Twitter, I can't post there at the moment for some reason, hopefully that will sort itself out soon...
Juliet, Here in Portland Oregon our cherry trees are blooming too . . . . though I can't say I notice a difference between the pink and the white ones, But I will say that the temperatures, especially in the early mornings, are still so cold that I get goosebumps even wearing my fleece. Spring tends to feel here just like an extension of winter, with the exception of colorful eye candy like daffodils and cherry trees in bloom.
For myself, I long for summer and no more goosebumps on my skin!
Mmm...made me think of my fvaourite Cherry Blossom Body Butter! LOL
My parents have that kind of tree in their backyard....apsolutely georgeus tree...:-)
That's a gorgeous cherry tree. What a lovely splash of pink!
The tree is so pretty against the cream colored walls, and green grass. I wouldn't mind looking out at that everyday.
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Oh my goodness, you live just round the corner from me. I walk past that cherry tree nearly every day. Or could it be that there are two identical cherry trees in Edinburgh?
I think the pink ones are prettier. Well worth the wait!
Lovely tree and blossoms - strange about twitter, and lots of people seem to be having problems with blogger (I also got two spam emails from you - obviously I knew it was from you and deleted - you might want to change your passwords) - I know wordpress just got hacked into - maybe other ones as well.
Lovely to see your tree in blossom!
I love the idea of following a tree. It makes you appreciate them more.. Michelle
Wonderful tree!
I am very excited about the Tree Year!!!! :-)
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