Saturday 15 May 2010

swift haiku

at the bus stop -
counting the swifts every time
they fly past


Rachel Green said...


Gillena Cox said...

Thanks to you Juliet, i learnt of a new bird today; i had to google swift

much love

Crafty Green Poet said...

thanks leatherdyke

Sorry you had to google, Gillena, normally I put in hyperlinks under bird names so that you can quickly go check on the species if you don't know it. I've now added one!

Howard BME said...

You wait half an hour for a swift and then two come at once! I have yet to see any over Marchmont, but shall keep eyes (and ears) open.

Jasmine said...

I have been thinking about the swifts today. Have a great week end.

EG CameraGirl said...

I bet they are graceful in flight but very quick so you have to count them fast! :)

AscenderRisesAbove said...

ha; very clever; i ride the bus to save gas sometimes; wishing they were swift like the bus.

RG said...

Great Scott! What do the other people at the bus stop think??

Howard BME said...

This occurred to me after my last comment:

Swifts are like buses.
You wait half an hour and then –
Two arrive at once.

Hmm, perhaps I should stick to the music and leave the poetry to you!

Crafty Green Poet said...

EG Wow - that's exactly what they're like!

Rabbits Guy - people generally think I'm weird anyway, so seeing me starign up at the sky, they're not going to be surprised....

Howard - that's not a bad haiku you know!

Janice Thomson said...

A delightful haiku Juliet - we have black swifts here but they are very rare and endangered.

bunnits said...

Lovely haiku. I enjoy watching the chimney swifts at the old houses at the museum and the cliff swallows who build their nests under the bridge at the river near here. Their aerobatics amaze me.