Wednesday, 2 May 2007

The Sea

Plastic floats on seas
to landfall on remote islands -
dead albatrosses.

Many albatrosses die from being caught in fishing lines. Save the Albatross campaigns to prevent these deaths. Many other albatrosses and other seabirds die from ingesting plastics, read more in this article from New Scientist magazine.

If you're in the UK, tonight's Natural World programme on the environmental challenges facing Hawaii and its wldlife particularly albatrosses will be repeated on BBC2 on Sunday at 6.10pm. It's a must see programme!


Beaman said...

Nice haiku and a very noble cause. Thanks for the links. :)

Bevson said...

What a poignant and beautiful Haiku. I love it! Alas, I have never even seen an albatross.

Beaman said...

Thanks for reading my poem. :)

p.s. It might be just my connection but your link to this post on PT is not working. Maybe try again. Best Wishes.

Pauline said...

well done, CGP

Rob Kistner said...

Bravo Juliet -- well said.

--and so it goes--

Rob Kistner said...


As Beaman mentioned, the PT link to this post did not work for me.


Crafty Green Poet said...

Thanks for your comments. Thanks for pointing out my link didn't work. My 1st comment on Poetry Thursday linked to Alter Ego & I invited people to read generally here - there's a lot of recent poetry related stuff. I've now added a link to this post!

Anonymous said...

This truth is so disturbing. Thank you for this poignant piece and making us aware of this serious problem.

gautami tripathy said...

The lakes in India too are filled with plastic. Most do not seem to care.

Great haiku.

Clockworkchris said...

This is one of the first enviormental and animal safety haikus I have ever read. I used to think the answer was putting all the trash on a rocket going to the sun...come to think of it, it still seems like a good idea to me. Very enjoyable read.

Jessica said...

Beautiful image, wonderfully rendered.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Get Zapped, Tara - thanks.

Gautami - well all too few people ever seem to care about the environment today. We need to all wake up.

Chris - it won't be the last! I'm planning to do a lot more!

Jessica - beautiful? Not for the albatrosses! But thanks.