I used up the last of the checked fabric samples to make another pencil case today. I added two nice buttons as decoration though the case fastens with press-studs. The fabric is quite robust, though the cases aren't lined. I have to admit I am not an expert with needle and hread and few of my seams are perfectly straight, nor can my buttons and fasteners be guaranteed to be perfectly aligned. The pencil case is much greener in reality than it looks in the photo.

Anyway, now there are three pencil cases that I've not yet given away as gifts (sorry for the slightly odd angle in this photo!).

I'll be giving away one of these here, as a giveaway. To be in with a chance of winning one of these, please leave a comment here within two weeks and say
a) which you would like and
b) i) either what you would use it for or
....ii) why you like gifts made from reused materials.
Then I'll draw the names from a hat and the winner will get the pencil case of their choice. If there are a lot of entries, the runner up may win the small yellow purse in this photo.
I'm not going to ask for one, I have too many belongings as it is but I can dream. Personally, I think whoever gets it will enjoy using it, thinking about the poet that made it, and feel happiness knowing they won it. Lovely job, J!
How really crafty Juliet.
It seems you are always creating! If not poems, then photos or craft items--and also your wonderful blog!
Don't enter me Juliet as I've been quite blessed with things from you already, but just had to say we love the pencil cases!
And I sowed the packet of wild flower seeds this weekend. Fingers crossed!
I can't believe you have time to craft with all your other activities -- I just posted a picture of other peoples crafty output -- all I can do is take pictures.
I would use the pencil case for exactly what it is meant for, because I always need a place for my ball-point pens and crossword puzzle pencils when we travel via our van or by boat. (Tomorrow we are going away for a couple of days on the boat and I have a pile of pencils with the food and clothese to put on board). I'd also show the case to our daughter who is crafty (as I am not) and I am sure she'd make some more of them.
Well I like the top one and I would attach it to my field-notebook to be sure and always have pencils handy!!
Julie..you are a clever girl. Don't enter me either.since I have been another lucky recipient of your giveaways..someone else should enjoy your generosity!! and you have inspired me to set up the sewing machine.
I like the pinky yellow one or the small yellow purse. I like to have and to make these small cases for keeping jewellery from scatching or rubbing on other pieces when travelling. Or to simply make jewellery easier to find at home. I wear mostly silver jewellery and find that it needs to be polished less often when it is kept wrapped in a case or fabric bag. I don't know how you have time to re-cycle anything when you are so busy with all you do. Good for you!
Nice job with these little gems, Juliet. FOr me, it would be the blue/green one, my favorite colors. I would use it for my drawing pens. And I like things from repurposed fabric because I like fabric, and I like things with history, that have a story. I suspect that you do too!
Ooooh, how did greedy little me not see this before? MUST have the nice things!
a. I would choose the lovely tan case because I like how it looks.
b. #1 I would probably use it for either pens or items of a "feminine nature" (to put it delicately) depending on the actual size. Mr. Mick thinks it would make a nice treat holder for when we are on the road and he might need some sustenance along the way.
#2 I love gifts made from recycled materials because my mother always taught me never to waste things. There's an old Yankee saying that goes, "Eat it up, wear it out, make it do or do without." and it has been my mother's mantra for many years--which is why I have her to blame for my pack rat/borderline-hoarder tendencies.
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