grass browns, shivers,
gorse yellow blooms barely,
gnarled tree leans.
Underground roots sustain.
One of the reasons I love Edinburgh and feel rooted here, is the large number of green spaces in and around the city. The scene above is part of Corstorphine Hill, which is only ten minutes by bus from the centre of the capital city of Scotland!
For some reason the image of the London Underground came to my mind when I read your piece. The winds and the yellow blooms of the lights you pass in the dark gnarled tunnels.
Great little poem!
I love this. There's a theme this week, it seems, of standing firm in the midst of storms, and your poem beautifully embodies this theme. Hat tip!
poem is wonderful
that last line says so much in three little words
Beaman - well it is pretty impressionisitic so anything goes - Underground routes sustain?
Visual Voice, Kathryn - thanks!
The photograph is so strong and your poem really creates and brings life to the scene.
The picture and the words stand out!
wow, I wouldn't have thought it, it could be on some desolate hillock.
nice poem.
i love the photo and words complelent it nicely!
Great poem, and the photo compliments your work very well.
Love this piece Juliet! Very rugged and weathered. Reminds me a lot of areas along my beloved Oregon coast.
--and so it goes--
This is beautiful. I think I told you that my mom is from Scotland? I feel half of my roots there, but at the same time very, very connected to the country.
Thanks for sharing this lovely photo and poem.
I found that as well when we visited Edinburgh- plus you have that big castle that overlooks everything! Incredible!
Very nice poem as well!
Wonderful words. I agree with the last three words saying so much.
your evocative poem reawakened my desire to visit Edinburgh! Thank you!!
i love the poem, and what a gorgeous photo! also, i clicked on your art journal and i love it too--it's so great that you used junk mail as your canvas.
Wonderful. I have never been to Scotland, but have always wanted to go. Lovely photo which perfectly compliments the message.
Here's the link to my Sunday Scribblings: http://www.jhsiess.com/2007/04/sunday-scribblings-56-rooted.html
Beautiful words to express "rooted." Loved it!
Your observations so eloquent and true: Roots set down in a suitable ground will hold us against the buffeting winds of adversity.
This is wonderful.
Fantastic picture and poem. The picture makes me homesick for Ireland, and for easy access from Ireland to Scotland! I loved Edinburgh when I visited some years ago.
This is a wonderful photo, really strong colors and so appropriate for your poem. So glad I found your blog. Coincidentally, I have roots in northern Scotland through one branch of the family and was able to spend a few days in and around Inverness about 20 years ago. If not for the cold, I would love to live there. So your photos and observations are the next best thing. Thanks for reminding me of some of my other roots.
It carries the flavour of the Scottish. Enduring and tough, seeming dour but with flashes of passion like gorse on a hillside.
I lived for a short while near Hamilton. Thanks for reminding me of a place where I once put down roots.
Thanks for all the comments, folks!
Ian - yes its difficult to believe this is so close to the centre of town!
Bella, tarakuanyin, sian, fifi lepew, interesting how roots intertwine across the seas isn't it? I'm always amazed how many people have links to Scotland!
Regina - I didn't realise you'd visited Edinburgh. Yes the Castle in the middle of town is pretty impressive!
Unfolding Rose, Edinburgh is a great place to visit!
Tricia - thanks and I'm glad you liked the junk mail art journal too!
Rob - funny how places so far apart can be similar!
Brian, Gautami, Polona, Patois, January, Janie, Remiman, Deb, Tammy - Thanks
Beautiful image, well-crafted!
Beautiful marriage of words and image.
It sounds like you are in a beautiful spot on our planet.
Lovely poem and picture.
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