Sunday 4 June 2023

Tree Following June Post

This year for Tree Following, I've chosen the beautiful cooking apple tree in Crafty Green Boyfriend's mother's garden. You can read the post where I introduced the tree here

The tree is around fifty years old and produces a lot of apples (last year was a bumper year and I gave apples to colleagues, neighbours, students in my writing classes as well as friends!). The apples are excellent in apple crumble or just stewed and eaten with custard or added to porridge. 

Here are some photos of the tree from the beginning of May: 


The flowers were just coming into bloom!

and on 11 May:

Some of the blossoms were already losing their petals

I also took a photo of the eating apple tree on 11 May

Towards the end of May, the blossom was fading, and you can see where the fruit will form

Another couple of photos from the end of May

For Tree Following and 30 Days Wild.

1 comment:

eileeninmd said...

The apple blossoms and tree is lovely.

Take care, have a happy new week!