Wednesday 16 October 2019

More amazing things seen on the fence....

Last week, I shared in this post, the insects that, along with Sarah from Edinburgh Natural History Society, I found on the perimeter fence of Saughton Park, alongside Water of Leith.

Well yesterday, we had another good look at the fence and these are some of the insects we found (thanks to Sarah for some of the identifications here)

a caddis fly 

light brown apple moth 

ten spot ladybird 

pine ladybird 

larch ladybird 

Harlequin ladybird

Quite amazing what you can find on a fence when you look closely!

We also saw lots of pine ladybirds on some of the trees inside Saughton Park, but none of my photos of these turned out.


Magyar said...

On a fence; when you look closely; ladybirds.

__ Your words above, not mine... fit so well.

RG said...
