Thursday 28 February 2013

Stylish DIY memo board

I saw this idea on Pinterest (which I'm finding a hugely inspiring source of ideas for crafts) and thought I'd try it myself.

All I've done is put a pretty piece of pale fabric (from my stash of fabric samples that I found abandoned!) with a textured pattern inside a frame then put a pen holder on the frame. All you need now is a dry wipe marker pen and a piece of cloth to wipe it clean and you have a handy write on / write off memo board for menus or to-do lists! An easy and inexpensive crafty idea that makes a lovely gift! You could use pale patterned paper instead of fabric.


The Weaver of Grass said...

Clever idea Juliet. I made my memo board with a board, green felt and then criss crossed with black elastic. It works well but the elastic needs replacing now and again.

Caroline Gill said...

A great idea and very effective, Juliet.

Bill said...

memo board
I blow away
the dust

(but I'm sure you will make good use of yours, Juliet.)