Tuesday 5 June 2012

More Flowers

 Yellow Flag iris, Blackford Pond
Forget-me-nots, buttercups and red campions, Hermitage of Braid 

for Nature Notes


Ms Sparrow said...

I wonder how they came to be called "flags", we have always called them irises. I had a friend in school named Iris, it's difficult to think of a girl named Flag!

eileeninmd said...

The yellow irises are pretty, I am so use to seeing purple irises here. Even the wild irises I see are purple. Beautiful flowers and images, Juliet.

RG said...

Forget me Not! When we were building our flower and plant beds we asked family members to suggest flowers they would like to see. One young lady suggested Forget me Nots - so I planted some - lovely.

Now - they are EVERYWHERE! Very profuse seeders here!

I do remember that young lady well!

ashok said...

so beautiful!

Rambling Woods said...

Oh more flowers to admire..You live in such a beautiful area...Michelle

HKatz said...

The yellow iris is delicate and lovely. Thanks for spotting these and sharing them with us.

Pat said...

Lovely spring flowers!