Saturday 9 June 2012

Braidburn Valley Park

Crafty Green Boyfriend and I love the Hermitage of Braid, the local nature reserve along the Braid Burn. It's perhaps surprising then that we've never before visited the nearby Braidburn Valley Park, a community park along the Braid Burn (one of several parks in Edinburgh that run alongside rivers and streams in the city, I've previously blogged about Burdiehouse Burn Park and the Figgate Park).

Braidburn Valley Park is very pretty with views towards the Pentland Hills.

In 1935 Girl Guides planted cherry trees in the shape of a guiding trefoil, these trees are still there today making a nice shady area, though we couldn't see the trefoil shape!

While we were wandering round we saw blackbirds, robins and house sparrows. We know there were also more unusual birds around as we heard a willow warbler and a whitethroat, though we didn't see either of them! It definitely pays to learn birdsong!

We later walked into the Morningside area of Edinburgh, where we saw these wonderful poppies!


Howard of Belvedere Mountain Express said...

Braidburn Valley Park is lovely, isn’t it? I’ve only been there myself a couple of times, despite living relativeley nearby.

As your next challenge in exploring the obscure green spaces of Edinburgh, how about checking out Ellen’s Glen? Or have you been there already? I believe it’s the Burdiehouse Burn which flows through it.

Ms Sparrow said...

Lovely park with lots of perky poppies. They are so bright and cheery.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Hi Howard, yes I've been to Ellen's Glen, though I've not explored all the paths through it. It's connected to Burdiehouse Burn Park!

ashok said...

I simple love the color of the poppies!

TexWisGirl said...

really gorgeous! and green! :)

Anonymous said...

Pretty place! I love the angle of the poppy shots.

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Juliet,

Braidburn Valley Park looks wonderful, love all the gorgeous green with the pretty red poppies.

Happy weekend

PJ said...

Those poppies are stunning. And you're very lucky to have a Crafty Green BF, obvy you were meant to be together.

Nefertiti said...

j adore les coquelicots ;o)

bon dimanche !