Sunday 4 September 2011

Falling Leaves

It still feels like summer here to be honest, the sky is blue and it's warm. But leaves are starting to fall. I love the colours.....

Just a reminder to any photographers out there, the Nature Conservancy photo competition is closing to entries on 12 September, so now is the time to pick out your best shots and send them along. You can find out more here.


Leora said...

I'm quite hot today. Hoping it gets cooler! We have no pretty leaves yet - some are a little mildewy, possibly from our excess rain.

Gordon Mason said...

Aye, its almost like summer!

Acquired your book yesterday at the Callander Poetry Festival from Colin. Looking forward to taking my time through the poems.

bunnits said...

Ahhh, reminds me of a song:

"The falling leaves drift by the window,
The falling leaves of red and gold..."

Anonymous said...

Great eyes see alike, I photographed my first red maple leaf of this season earlier today. This one's beautiful.

Sandy's witterings said...

As with the other seasons Autumn has it's delights, but so soon

westwood said...

I love the nature conservancy, but am not ready for fall!

Deb G said...

I picked up my first fall leaf last week. Nights here have been very cool...definitely a feeling of fall here.

Manish Edida said...

Lovely picture!

Looks Like a Canadian Maple Leaf.

Megan Coyle said...

I love the colors of fall leaves too. Looking forward to when their colors change here.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Happy Fall! We're just getting some summer-like weather here in Oregon and everybody wonders how long it will last before the rainy season sets in.

Kay Baughman said...

I love the fall--but that's a season we don't really have here in south Texas. Most of our trees are not deciduous and the leaves don't fall for several months yet. Oh, well. It's lovely to look at your photo of a real autumn leaf.

Rambling Woods said...

Lovely husband was telling me about the contest. He thinks that I should enter..I am not at that level....Michelle...

Crafty Green Poet said...

Michelle - it's always worth entering, you never know,