Tuesday 4 January 2011

The Productive Writer by Sage Cohen

If you're a writer then what better way to start the New Year than by reading Sage Cohen's The Productive Writer?

I was delighted to win a review copy of this brilliant book! This is the best book I've read that offers general advice on writing (I've read some excellent books on how to write poetry, but most general writing advice books have left me feeling disappointed and underwhelmed.) The basic aim of this book is to help the reader (who is assumed to also be a writer!) to become more productive in their writing. It covers such topics as time management, identifying and developing your platform as a writer, thinking productive thoughts and developing your networks in real life and online. All the way through we are given practical advice and exercises to work through. I haven't done the exercises yet, I read the book straight through from cover to cover and could hardly put it down. I aim to read it again early in the New Year and work through it slowly, doing all the exercises. To help me with this I'll use the Free Productivity Power Tools that can be found in the middle column of Sage's website.

However already I feel as though my productivity has increased. In the week since starting to read this book, I've written two ghazals (both of which have been accepted for publication already!), a review (already published), half a short story and several haiku or similar short poems. I've also co-incidentally heard about a couple of successes for pieces of writing I'd already completed. Plus I've given a successful public reading! So I really do feel like a Productive Writer! I would recommend this book to any writer who feels that they could achieve more. Unless you have bad eyesight. Yes my one criticism is that the text is small, that used in the exercises and highlighted case studies is tiny. My eyesight is fine for reading but I know people who would struggle to read this book, which is a shame.

The Productive Writer by Sage Cohen, published by Writers' Digest

I have previously posted this review on Goodreads, here.


Sage Cohen said...

Thanks so much for taking the time to read The Productive Writer and share your experience of it! I so appreciate it!

Sage Cohen said...

Thanks so much for taking the time to read The Productive Writer and share your experience of it! I so appreciate it!

Catherine said...

I'm also due to receive a copy of this book, but it hasn't arrived yet. What type of postage did Sage use? Surface or air? I do hope mine hasn't got lost!

bunnits said...

Thanks so much for sharing about this book. It's definitely something that I should read. it seems that it has certainly been beneficial to you already.

Ann (bunnygirl) said...

Sounds interesting. I should check it out.

Eliza said...

Congratulations on all your own recent successes!

The book sounds really good, I'll look out for it.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the book is working for you already! I have had a quick look at those power tools- I do love stimulation. I confess, I had to look up Ghazal!

Titus said...

Wow, congratulations!
I am terrified by the thought of being productive. Must work out why!

RG said...

I'm with Titus - how can I ever keep up? But I hope to get and read the book. More good ideas, help, inspiration, and encouragement.

Caroline Gill said...

CONGRATULATIONS, Juliet, on your early successes for 2011. You are an inspiration to us all! Curiously Sage Cohen appeared in my feed twice today - as he is also featured on The Poetic Asides blog by Robert Lee Brewer.

Caroline Gill said...

Sorry - not sure if it's just my connection running slow or if the link isn't working ... will try again a bit later.

The Weaver of Grass said...

I am going off to see if it is available on Amazon.

Alison Wiley said...

I'm convinced; you've sold me on it. I'm going to go buy a copy, especially since one of my 2011 resolutions is to finish my novel.

Thanks for the good tip, Juliet!

d. moll, l.ac. said...


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a must have (though I do hate small print).

Vicki Lane said...

My! It sounds as if it's working for you! I'll have to have a look at this book!

nà from the treehouse said...

Thanks for sharing, I'll be looking it up.
Heartful Blogger and I are setting up a collective writing blog with weekly prompts, starting next Monday. 'Don't know if you might be interested, or if you have the time, but just in case you'd like to pop by, it's at
Happy 2011,