Thursday, 11 November 2010


a dove
on the telephone wire -
distant thunder


Dianne said...

This looked so simple at first.
The mark of a fine Haiku, so much evoked in the image of distant thunder from the dove's view, or ours. First I think of the rumbling on the train tracks one feels before the train is visible.
The thunder from a phone line, distant perhaps as we use landlines less and less and internet/cell phone more.
The dove, of course, the opposite of war, waiting for the thunder to approach....
it takes time and review to read poetry...(sigh)

Anonymous said...

I have watched doves in the weather, they seem very sensitive to conditions.

Pan Haiku Review said...

I love seeing any kind of bird, or birds on telephone wires.

all my best,

Alan, With Words
2010 With Words Haiku Competition: weblink


Anonymous said...

Excellent haiku - so much in so little!

HKatz said...

I love this. Though not explicitly stated, you can feel the dove (and the thin telephone wire beneath it) quivering with the sound and reverberations from the thunder.