Wednesday 3 April 2019

The First Giraffe

Growing pains in their necks and legs
taller than the rest

at what point did the herd reject

begone giraffes - you are not of us

or did they just diverge

antelopes grazing, eyes to the ground
giraffes browsing, looking upwards

moving imperceptibly apart
until one moment they realised
they were strangers?

originally posted on this blog in July 2008 for Totally Optional Prompts

Meanwhile there's a second chance to read my poem Art House which I've just reposted over on my Shapeshifting Green blog here


Paul Squires said...

Ha very cool. Once again an original idea, perfectly crafted poem with something to say and beautifully executed,

Scot said...

you do so well with prompts--good stuff

d. moll, said...

Lovely, this is so good.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Paul, d.moll - thanks

Scot - I like using prompts, I was sceptical when i started using them but now I find they're a really useful source of inspiration, though I know not everyone likes them

Anonymous said...

This is WONDERFUL!!! Love your thoughts on that moment when a giraffe became a giraffe. Wow!

Andy Sewina said...

Yeah, good take on the prompt - and just to think about that 'moment'..

polona said...

wow. love the poem.
don't we all feel like giraffes at some point in life?

Lucy said...

Bravo, lovely! Couldn't think of anything for this one...

I like the prompts too, also because they make me get out more. I couldn't keep up with the number some people do though.

Janice Thomson said...

This is so easily relatable (new word :) to we humans. Excellent Juliet.

Anonymous said...

Very poignant. It was a poem and an allegory, presented in a handful of lines.

I am loving these prompts although, I have only just stumbled upon T O P.
By Beautiful African senyru is up at my place:


HL said...

A prompt can provide authorization to innovate. Nicely done.

anthonynorth said...

Loved that. Seemed lighthearted at first, but with a deep message in there.

Tumblewords: said...

Nicely worded and layered!

AscenderRisesAbove said...

I really like this poem. It reminds me when my youngest did a growth spurt and she was all legs; like some young pony. It is how I remember her most at that age; all giraffe like and awkward. Thanks for that memory.

I did receive your comment on my blog the other day but it did not arrive in email. I know that others are having problems with my info email bouncing back and refusing to let them post. Is this happening to you?

Anonymous said...

Beautiful -- a unique take on change and time.

Noah the Great said...

It's always good to be your own person, even if it's different.

Pirate Princess said...

I'm with anthony - at first I thought.. "Oh! This is sweet", and then I thought, "Hey now... this is deep" - mark of a good one there!

Pietro Brosio said...

Very nice, with significant expression.

Lowcarb team member said...

A nice read, thank you.

All the best Jan