Tuesday 1 October 2013

Back in the Dells

One of my old friends is back in Colinton Dell after an absence of a few years.

Can you see him (or her!)

Maybe now:

Yes the tawny owl is back!

I first blogged about this owl in December 2010. Since then for a few months I saw it regularly then it was chased away from its roost by jackdaws. I've watched out for it ever since but the jackdaws used the old owl roost as a nest site so the owl kept away.

Today I looked up into the tree, as I always do, just in case. And there was the owl, looking quite settled. The jackdaws were flying arround chacking loudly so I suspect the drama isn't quite over yet! 

For World Bird Wednesday and Nature Notes 


The Weaver of Grass said...

We have tawnies nesting in one of our barns Juliet - lovely creatures. Incidentally the jackdaws pushed out the barn owls from another barn, but this year the barn owls are back.

Anonymous said...

How wonderful it must be to see him again.
What a beautiful owl!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

It took me a second but now I see it! I love owls :)

TexWisGirl said...

how awesome!

eileeninmd said...

What a cute friend you have there! Great sighting, glad he/she returned.

bunnits said...

so nice to be reunited with an old friend.

RG said...

Cool. Froggy (although surely Froggy II) was back in our house tday too!

Little Miss Titch said...


Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Lovely to have her back again! Hope the jackdaws find another tree and leave him be, (

Rambling Woods said...

Oh it is always nice to welcome back an old friend even if they are shy...... Thank you for linking up to Nature Notes... Michelle